Friday, 8 September 2017

Afia Schwarzenegger’s Sex Scandal In The Light Of Religious Text

She was caught in the act, pants down cheating on her husband. There are many, the yet to be caught, the contemplators to embark on similar mission, the repented and the trackers waiting patiently to laid hands with evidence on perpetuators of acts of adultery. You know best where you belong. 

The reaction from the public has been whooha!! Some took Afia to the cleaners whiles other vent their venom on the husband for the manner he handled the situation, screaming and calling for his a** behind bars with some sitting on the fence and yelling-who are we to judge?

Generally speaking, in the majority we all believe there is God and have name for Him in our local languages. He made us, put us on earth established His ways and granted us the free-will to make choices. That is why I can look up the sky and say there is no God and no thunder will strike me- am enjoying the liberties of free-will. The question pops up; has God something to tell us on the above sex scandal or acts similar in nature?

And He speaks to us “Flee fornication. ………..he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body”- 1 Corinthians 6:15-19
Let us pretend we didn’t hear this warning from the scriptures, Mathew also walks in ringing his end time bells as he walks through the towns “Ye heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:”- Mathew 5:27
Of the Bible again, Proverbs 6:32 “But whoso committeh adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul”
For the Muslim the Quran speaks in chapter 17:32 “And come not near adultery. Lo! It is abomination and an evil way.” 

Simon & Garfunkel in the song –Sound of Silence- has these soothing words
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
The sign said “The words of the prophets are written on the subway wall”[…].

The warnings are there; written on the walls but humans we are hard at heart and headless. Had Afia played by the rules would there has been a price to pay on social media? Did the man played by the rules of marriage? You can challenge, argue and even build the finest of case for Afia but why not personally on your own try and break any of the laws of marriage and see if you can escape the fate that she suffered. Nature has a way of paying us back in our own coin by harvesting what we sow previously.

The saintly that did the work of God were only instructed to convey the message; whether the people heed or heed the lust in their heart was not their task. Sharparrows I am guessing by this I have contributed my quota to aid you in making an opinion. I think I am hearing a call from the minaret; I have to quicken my steps, C-yah.

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