Wednesday, 4 June 2014

FIPAG's Show Down with GMA in Retrospection

The storm has calmed down now, but less than a month ago, the steam from the tension brewing from Film Producers Association of Ghana (FIPAG) and Ghana Movie Awards (GMA) blew the lid off the issues when the parties came out in public, took of their shirts and engaged in an open street fight, metaphorically.

The reason for the shown down between FIPAG and GMA was because FIPAG believes it has received a kick in the teeth from GMA and have been look down upon by the award organizers over the years.

GMA believe FIPAG is out there to sabotage it effort and to snatch the award from them. The two friends now foes are unable to reconcile their differences have taken to the media platform to undo each other and justified their stands.

The issue it appears has reached point of no return, although Ghana Film Industry (GFI) is yet to confirm if the memorandum of understanding has been sign between FIPAG and the next film award organizer. Alas, looking into the future.

If an agreement has been reached, then in December 2014, the Ghana film industry will have two awards, one from Ghollywood the current movie Award organizers and the FIPAG approved organizer.

In retrospections, which among the two organizers would be most successful? Rhetorically, Ghollywood would be the most successfully, because for four years it has organized this event and has wealth of experience without a doubt.

Additionally it is driven by passion for the film industry and the desire to make profit. This constitutes the basic ingredient to succeed for any undertaking. But the flip side to the coin is, the awards will be without FIPAG’s blessing and that will affect attendance.

With the FIPAG approved body, they will need a minimum of two years to get it right, and because it is largely driven by profit motive rather than by passion for the creative arts, they are bond to run into major hurdles which can lead to the abrogation of their contract. Furthermore, the possibility of the actors and actresses who favour the current organizer not cooperating with them must not be rule out.

Whatever the short coming of the FIPAG approved body might be in organizing the awards should it go ahead, it should also serve as a warning signal to the current organizers- Ghollywood  to respect stakeholders and also follow due process, pay attention to detail and honour promises and pledges.

Since this piece is in retrospection, GFI wait in the wings, as we always do, till December, to see the two events, should it come. We shall be comparing the two events, the pros and cons, in ascertaining whether FIPAG's decision to pull out was in the best interest of the industry and  whether the stands taken by Ghollywood was justified, I will put on my French hat and say to you, Adieu.

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