Wednesday 22 October 2014


Banku and Lil Wyne go to school (2014) is a film on the subject of labyrinth of relationships. Banku and Lil Wyne were two buddies who frequently absented themselves from school, they chose to sit under mango tree gamble and while away the time.

Banku was in love with a girl who didn’t love him and whoever tries to date that girl becomes Bukom Banku’s target. Lil Wyne on the other hand was loved by a girl he didn’t love; such was their fate at relationship.

Their mothers, Christain Awuni for Bukom Banku and Gifty Tim for Lil Wyne were dating the same man; their rivalry was thick and bitter.

What is left to be seen is whether their rivalvry will disturb the friendship between Bukom Banku and Lil Wyne. There were other side characters- playing alongside the majors- their acts, serious enough to cause major laughter.

The film is not devoid of the common flaws associated with Kumawood films. I would be charitable enough not to list them, probably save them for another time.

The film is sprinkled  with comic characters; Nigeria comic character, Ewe comic character, the Bukom Banku comic attitude and Lil Wyne genre of jokes. Till that time come, hope to catch a glimpse of you somewhere downtown, peace- am out. 

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